Daily Archives: August 21, 2013

FWF – Free Write Friday – Street View


This is my LATE entry for Kellie’s FWF – Free Write Friday Challenge, as it was my birthday weekend. I have found this image several times earlier this week whilst searching for artwork and images to use in the Inkspill portfolio.



walmart man


He liked to watch the world from here,

Street level.

He wore dark glasses

So no-one could see his thoughts

or tears.

So much had changed.

This place moved on,

even when

people didn’t.

Friday Fictioneers – The Church has the Answers


Friday Fictioneers is a great challenge to write a 100 Flash Fiction each week. Click the icon to view Rochelle’s Blog and entry to the challenge. friday-fictioneers

Bloggers who regularly write for FF have started to use this icon* scalpel it means concrit – we are open to constructive criticism. Of course, I hope my story touches you and that you connect to the characters, as a writer (and a fairly new one to the Flash Fiction genre) I am more than happy to receive constructive criticism and advice to improve the art of Flash writing. Be gentle though – I haven’t yet grown an extra thick layer of skin!

* Click the icon to find out about the origins of the scalpel.

Copyright -Claire Fuller

They always came to this old Church, Gerry liked to read the visitors book. Gerry stared at the stained glass windows whilst Pip scribbled a hurried note,  finishing with a personal message;

‘Gerry I will always love you. Pip xxx’

She sensed this could be their last holiday. She was right, a few months later Gerry left.

The following Summer Gerry walked up the hill alone, to the church. He looked around then made his way to the back of the Church, to the guest book. Admiring the brand new leather bound book, he opened it and read the messages.

TOP TIPS for Freelancing



Today I am mainly enjoying a good book in a sunny garden, I popped into Blogland and thought it only fair to leave you with something!


This advice is aimed at the freelance writer, specifically article writing, you may find that some of the tips could be useful for other projects and of course, it’s worth a read no matter what sort of writer you are!

pencil paper freestock

1. The Personal Touch 

When addressing people by email or letter KNOW their names, with Google (and other search engines) this has become increasingly easier to find out, a quick call to the office asking for the name of the editor will do no harm.

2. Size Matters

Remember small press magazines and e-zines may not have the budget to pay as much as national papers and larger magazine companies, however they can be a good way in.

3. Reveal Yourself

Have a marketing plan in place, you need to spread the word that you can offer results on a freelance basis. This may be as simple as a website where you advertise your services, or a pack of business cards that you have on you (at all times!) the world is a networking platform, don’t just pack them when you are at ‘Writing’ functions. How much social media will you marketing plan involve?

4. Wicked Webs We Weave

How will you build your website? Who will you get to build your website? Keep in mind the experience the users of your website are going to have. Use expertise if you can. You want it to look professional and be easy to use.

5. Work It!

Plan, plan, plan! Planning is the easy bit, most writers love to plan. Next you have to DO.

An easy way to take action and make sure it happens is to set yourself small daily goals. Set a target action on a calendar. Make sure you are doing something EVERYDAY to work towards your goal. This will also support you in optimising your ‘social network/promotion’ time on certain sites – you know the ones I’m talking about! ‘Oh my, it’s 3 and I have to pick the kids up, it was lunchtime when I logged on!’

A calendar will enable you to have a structured approach and when life gets in the way – forgive yourself and doodle an arrow into the next day and work doubly as hard to promote yourself. You will know which days you are researching, which days you are actively seeking opportunities for work, when you have time to blog and promote your services and celebrate your successes.

If you have problems with all the marketing – that is the stage that you may consider bringing someone in (maybe another ‘out of work writer’ to help you with the marketing. Collaboration is such a sparkly key to success!

6. Starting Points

Make a list of your expertise. Which fields are you able to write about, what are you a specialist in? Then research these markets, find opportunities available for your skills. This may lead to a fruitful column or at least some published articles.

I read an article about someone who re-launched her writing career in January. She was an expert in Horticulture. Researching, she found some specialist publications and submitted ideas for articles. She had an article successfully published and this lead to a regular feature, she is already making a regular fee from this freelance work.

Proof it can be done! motivate action

awf suitcase