Daily Archives: August 5, 2013



stunt-writing-final1-1 I am currently studying an online writing course in Stunt Writing – this is one of the reasons I post a daily gratitude. This week’s module (which I am late starting, today is the deadline) is all about resistance.

Before I even read the assignment notes I know only too well about resistance!
I have dealt with resistance a lot in my writing life since July – I feel myself pushing against something I have decided to do. Why? Why is it when we want to write and make the decision to write we find ourselves still doing battle against the petulant child inside us who is refusing to even pick up the pencil!  pencil

How do you cope with resistance?
How often do you find it working against what you are trying to achieve?



Stunt Writing Gratitude Journal Day #15



Gratitude Day#15

I am grateful for having bought a lovely house and I will stop moaning about UNPACKING and just DO IT!
