Daily Archives: August 28, 2013

The Universe Conspires – Literature Festivals, Tickets and Shelves


inkspill with stars After stepping back into my writing skin yesterday I was delighted to receive ‘writing related’ post too! A brochure for a Literature Festival. I eagerly read the entire programme, folding the corners of the pages to mark the events I was most interested in attending.

Then that little voice in the back of my head chirped up. I had set aside my slimming club money this year (I can do it by myself if I really try) to cover the cost of all workshops and writing classes. Especially necessary after starting to work part time for the first time in 16 years! Not to mention the 1.5 mortgages (oppps, I just did!) This budget was blown by May when I booked my final classes with Clare Belle. I was beginning to resign myself to the panic that even the wonderful free events would not be free after travelling to the city… when my angel stepped in and banished the voice of madness, inkspill Freereminding me I have just had £50 birthday money and that I no longer want to buy ‘things’… after years of decluttering enough is enough. The stockpile in this house will be used – enabling a frugal existence until I start to earn. The last thing I want to do is restock it!

I have decided to spend my birthday money on a workshop in the middle of October – a seasonal ‘pick me up’ before running our own Writing Retreat – AWF Banner

I also found an interesting show around Christmas time – beats a pantomime hands down.

After yesterday’s online banking fiasco I attempted to book all my festival tickets onlineadmission-ticket-icon… to no avail…. tried twice. My card was declined. (Annoying when you know there are funds available!) I ended up calling the box office – I tried them earlier on this morning and was just held in a queue of two, until I lost patience with the repeated message and hung up! This time at least I was number 1 in the queue – I went through the 9 events I am trying to book tickets for and in the end…. my card was declined. I think it was to do with addresses. I tried my old one, it still didn’t work. Miffed I opted to send a cheque (got to find my cheque book) but at least this wavers the £1.00 booking fee…. see I am an expert in frugal already! imagesCAJBX1JQ

On the writing front I am keeping the passion of yesterday alive and plan to write (offline) this evening. I have shelved the comedy scriptwriting after finding out there was an expensive registration fee – three days is not long enough to develop performance writing, however – the ideas are not wasted and will be recycled and prepared as a script ready for next year – where I am sure I can find places to fit it. type

I realised yesterday that this year I have built up a body of work – most of which hasn’t made it past the editor but could feed in elsewhere or may even be highly suitable for another publication. I need to get organised. Mr G and I have spent the day sending messages backwards and forwards regarding furniture purchases for storage (the exciting life we lead…. I am still loving it and the novel value!) and on my quest for the perfect pieces I came across an amazing invention. I have never seen one before.

A bookcase designed to hold lever arch files and folders in there own cubby hole spaces! So tidy and PERFECT for writers, teachers, coaches, workshop facilitators, tutors and people like me who are all of the listed. We may even have room for the ‘Home ‘ files in there too.

I know where my 1st pay cheque is going!

Happy writing AWF 2013