A Jam Packed Week :-)


I have another busy week ahead, in addition to work, I need to make calls and emails in preparation for this Saturday, myWrite-On-2013-300x287 Assistant Writer role starting. Can’t wait – very excited!

I am also attempting to write a short story and flash fiction. I am learning a poem off by heart for Wednesday night – Confab Cabaret. Write my 52 poem, as a wolf (I have the bare bones) before the next prompt on Thursday. I would like to check out some websites and poetry submissions that were missed in the last few days of January and some I have plugged into the diary for this week. motivation make


I am also hoping to make it to a new (to me) spoken word event on Thursday night – which sadly clashes with The Ort, but I have booked them in for March, or rather they have me booked in for March!

Sunday evening also sees the next event in Cheltenham, although I may give that a miss until the lighter evenings and better weather after my last experience.


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