NaPoWriMo 2024 ~ Day 11


Read the full post here.

Our featured participant is The Cynical Optimist, where you’ll find a comic poem based in multiple animal-involving headlines.

Today’s resource is grieftolight, an Instagram account where you will find a wealth of poems.


… honors the “ones” in the number 11. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write either a monostich, which is a one-line poem, or a poem made up of one-liner style jokes/sentiments. Need inspiration? Take a look at Joe Brainard’s poem “30 One-Liners” or Frank O’Hara’s “Lines for the Fortune Cookies.”

Happy writing!

Some days there is barely time to manage NaPo – and today is one of those days.

I started with the featured poem Animal Mayhem, what a great idea to chose a few headlines. I nearly used the duck shoe collector myself.

Then I looked at the poetry resource GrieftoLight, (another IG account). I read quite a few poems, I have read/heard of many of the poets, but not all. It’s certainly was a wealth of poems.


Some of the Brief poems I read the other day were monostich. I am familiar with the Frank O’hara poem, Lines For The Fortune Cookies. I thoroughly enjoyed 30 One-Liners BY JOE BRAINARD, I gathered some of my favourites.

Then came time to settle down and write my own poem. Despite brilliant resources and lots of inspiration, my head felt empty (long day, tired, late, etc.).

I decided to use the room I was in, I had great fun writing it but realised that the room is in such a state the poem of one line observations could go on forever. I cut it short after 8.

One lonely foil wrapped mini egg sits in a net.

In 8 lines we explore the detritus of my desk, half the room, the ceiling, my laptop and Warhol… not bad!

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